You Are Already That

Beloved GM, I am nothing… I feel and see now. So, am I behind all that?

November 25, 2022 | 256 views


You are not behind all that you perceive!

Know this!

You are prior to all that appear and happen!

You, the Observer, prevail forever here!

You have no beginning and no ending!

From you, Consciousness happens for a shorter duration…

In this Conscious field entire manifestation happens including your form!

Not knowing you are the Observer prior to Consciousness!

You are trapped by all that perceived within space as real at the form level!

Till you know your formless nature beyond limitations just now!

You prevail prior to Consciousness and its manifestations just now!

Which you are yet to know!

You are the silent Observer of all that happen within Conscious field.

Whether Consciousness happens or not

You, the Observer prevail here forever!

You, the Observer prevail here!

Consciousness happens spontaneously from you for a shorter duration and forms are created by Consciousness!

Whatever perceived within Conscious field are nothing but dream figures only… not real… just a reflection of light within!

Now tell me!

You, the Observer prior to dream?


behind the dream?