You Are Already That

Beloved GM, How to make my life Outwardly Rich and also Inwardly Rich? Is there any secret…? Kindly explain!

February 6, 2022 | 721 views

What do you mean by richness?
Is it to possess something greater than the other?

Here in space no one is rich !

No one is poor!

Richness with reference to what?
Is there any threshold limit to assess it?

I say there are never any persons here !

All forms are existing now …. only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.. just now!

But for your  ‘I amness’ Consciousness nothing is here in space!

This question is at the personality level !

Are you a person?
Are you not Conscious of yourself now?

How do you know that you exist?

Can this question be asked if you are no more conscious of yourself?

Why don’t you focus attention on yourself just now?
Your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness contains all..!

Without your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness …
Neither manifestations nor any forms here in space including your form just now!

You never know your immense richness inwardly!

I mean richness which is fullness, Completeness!

Inwardly you are already rich…total and complete !
You are Yet to know your inner richness!

By not knowing your inner richness your Consciousness simply accepts itself as a tiny form with fixed labels and starts moving here and there in search of outer richness!

There is nothing called richness outside here!

All your richness are only a dream here!

What is a dream display?

Are any of the display in dream… real?

Money is a useful convention for a convenient livelyhood.

Know you are more than that!

First know your Consciousness contains all:
Entire universe, cosmos, world, all living beings in space, and space itself!

Where do all that perceived here exist?

In space only!

But for space neither any object nor any manifestations here!

Where does space exist?

Is it not in your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness just now?

Your consciousness is within just now!
You know this through stillness just now!

Your Consciousness is the base for entire objects observed in space!

You are an Emperor inwardly just now!

Without your Consciousness nothing can appear in space including space itself!

Your Consciousness is prior to space!
It contains the seeds of entire manifestation within just now which you are yet to explore..!

Not knowing you are an Emperor already inwardly you are moving here and there inside a dream in search of richness!

There is nothing here in space other than the reflections of light within!

None of the perceived are real like a dream display….!

Your Consciousness unknowingly moves here and there to remain rich outwardly!

Outwardly in space there is nothing called richness here!

All are only constantly changing… none of them are permanent and real…!

That is why outwardly your Consciousness is under great stress and remain fearful of losing its possessions.

When everything is changing at a greater speed in no time just now… And none of them are real…!

How can your Consciousness remains richest constantly here?

When all that perceived are constantly moving and changing what can your consciousness hold to be real here?

That is why your Consciousness gets frustrated frequently by outer happenings!

Your Consciousness tries to hold the dream happenings as more real..!


Because it is yet to know its inner richness which is unchanging and unmoving ….and ever present within right now!

Everything begins in your I am ness’ Consciousness and ends up in your
‘I am ness’ Consciousness!

What more you need than your ‘I amness’ Consciousness now?

Once your Consciousness starts knowing it is Consciousness only within….It abides in stillness constantly….and knows its Supreme richness beyond dualities !

Know !

What you call outer richness …is only a dream …not real….!

Your inner richness is ever here!

It is prior to dream! Just now!

Your source contains everything !

Till you know your inner richness you move in search of dream objects as outer richness…!

Once you know what “You are Exactly’..!

Then you know what is real richness!

Which has no beginning and no ending…!

You contain it already now!

Just close your eyes and explore your Supreme richness which prevails here forever in immense beauty beyond divisions !

By remaining Conscious of yourself …you remain rich inwardly!

When you are no more conscious of yourself you miss your richness!

That is why going on accumulating things endlessly not knowing they are just dream objects only!

Once your Consciousness wakes up… it knows its unchanging richness forever !

Till then it is trapped by its own dream at the personality level accepting all dream events as real!

Now tell me!

Is it not more essential to wake up and know what you are exactly?

That you are the Absolute!

Non dual!

Ever present here …infinite …and endless..!

The Ultimate already just now!

Better wake up and know now!

Will you?