You Are Already That

Beloved GM…how can I function in this world of the form if I cease to think and remain in stillness? Would Consciousness take over my job and relationships?

October 15, 2022 | 377 views

GM :
Know first!

That you are only Consciousness at present!

Your ‘ I am ness’ itself only consciousness.

This you know by closing eyes and knowing the peace within!

Once you close your eyes…you know the peace within…!

You know you exist without words!

This stillness is Consciousness!

Consciousness is your ‘I am ness’ !

This stillness is not a word!

You know the stillness by closing eyes and staying beyond words….and not otherwise!

This stillness is not a movement!

Every movement begins from this stillness and ends up in stillness!

This stillness contains all!

Q: How can I function in this world of form if I cease to think and remain in stillness?


You are not the thought!

You are prior to thought!

Thoughts are not you!

They are just movements in space!

You are not the movement!

You are the Observer of the movement!

You prevail here whether thoughts happen or not!

This you know only by closing eyes and knowing the peace within!

Can thoughts happen if you are not conscious of yourself?

First you are conscious with direct knowing that ‘you exist!’

In your conscious presence only thoughts happen!

Though you are conscious ….you never know that you are conscious only and accept yourself as a thought though it is not you!

See the contradiction!

Your Consciousness accepts something as itself by not knowing itself!

Once your Consciousness knows it is consciousness only and not a thought ..then it is free from all imposed concepts and know the joy and peace within through stillness.

Your Consciousness is more alive just now!

Your breathing is more alive!

Your heart beat is more alive!

Every metabolic activity is due to the liveliness of the Consciousness within!

Can you deny your liveliness now?

Are you not alive now?

Do you know your liveliness is nothing but Consciousness itself?

Once you are conscious of yourself you know that every functioning is by Consciousness itself!

It is Consciousness within which functions now….

You take yourself to be a tiny form with Fixed labels added to you….as yourself unknowingly.

You never know your immense beauty beyond boundaries…

Beyond limitations….

You are infinite ….now caught by the concept that you are the tiny form and few labels as yourself!

Your consciousness is more alive!

Thoughts do not have life at all!

How can thought that which does not have a life can guide you?

And make you a slave too?

Is it not due to your sheer ignorance about yourself?

You do not know what you are!

So you hold onto something which is not you!

You are the Master at the Conscious level !

Thoughts are just your servants.

They help you!

But they are not you!

Like you use a pen to write!
Are you a pen?

You use a spoon to eat.

Are you the spoon?

Similarly, your Consciousness is only using the thoughts but it is more than thoughts.

This you will know only by closing eyes and knowing the peace within.

Know the stillness first!

Then you know that it is only your Consciousness functioning here and not the thought which does not have life…

Q: Would the Consciousness take over my job and relationships?

Of course!

My question is, How do you know that you exist?

Can you know your presence here without Consciousness?

In your consciousness ..not only your forms but all forms within space happen just now!

But for your Consciousness where is the world, cosmos, universe, any forms including your form here?

What is the principle by which you know that you exist?

What is the principle without which neither world nor any cosmos, universe including your presence here?

First find out this!

Then spontaneously you know that your Consciousness is the base for the entire manifestation perceived in space just now!

You are an Emperor just now!

How you become a beggar when you are not conscious of yourself and become a Slave to any thoughts which are not you?

Know that :

your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is not a person!

Your’ I am ness’ Consciousness is infinite …prior to form…

Not only your form but all forms happen out of your ‘I am ness’  Consciousness just now!

Your question is at the personality level….

There is no remedy at the personality level!

Because personality is not you!

You are infinite Consciousness just now!

Yet to know this!

When entire manifestation happens out of I am ness’ Consciousness and functions out of your Consciousness…

What is here other than your Consciousness here?

Tell me!

Your Consciousness spontaneously happens, creates all forms in space and functions through all forms just now!

But for your Consciousness what is here?

Tell me!

There is nothing called the other!

All forms are by your Consciousness only just now!

You are yet to know the tremendous potential of your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness…..

Better know you are conscious only at present … And remain relaxed totally as there is nothing here other than your presence now!

In your Conscious presence only everything appears to happen now!

Observe silently all that happen spontaneously!

You know that you have nothing to do with any happening as they all happen spontaneously …

All that you need now is your conscious presence ….

This can be known only through stillness!

Remain still!

Rest happens!

You are not the happening but the Observer prior to all happenings!

Then only you remain free totally inwardly!

Will you?