You Are Already That

Beloved GM, How can I drop this identity? Still it is an Obstacle in my path….!

July 6, 2022 | 317 views

Which identity?

Your true identity is your, ‘I am ness’ without words…..! At present…..

This identity is yours ….!

No one knows this.. except your Consciousness…!

In this identity only, all else appear…!

Without your  ‘I am ness’ identity…

There is no such thing called world, cosmos, etc.,

Your consciousness functions only through this identity throughout your wakeful state..!

But you are not yet aware of it….!

Once you are aware that this identity is yours, not fed by the outside…!

Then you function out of this only… consciously….!

This conscious ‘I am ness’ identity by merging in itself realizes its ultimate truth…..!

Through this ‘I am ness’ identity without words you know your Supreme nature…!

Once you know the significance of this identity……You are in tune with it constantly…

You are asking, How can I drop this identity?

You cannot drop this identity …!

It begins from awareness and ends up in awareness…!

You get to know all knowledge through this knowledge ‘I am’ only….!

How can you drop it as you come to know your existence only through this identity?

This ‘I am ness’ identity without words is more significant and the only scope to realize your eternal nature as it arises out of it. …!

This ‘I am ness’ identity creates an entire manifestation….!

Once it knows its stillness, then it starts observing all happenings silently…..!

Till then it is trapped by many false identities that you are so and so….!

Whatever identities fed from outside on you are not real…!

They are for utility only..!

Understand this….!

Once you understand this, you will not be burdened by any such imposed identities…!

Now, you know your true identity is only this ‘I am ness’ without words…

Stabilize here itself..!

You cannot drop any imposed identities as they are not you……!

Then why bother?

Just understand those identities are not you…..!

It is just for convenient communication..!

They are just labels added on you…!

They are not you…

Are you the name?

Even if your name is changed millions of times, still you exist… Is it not?

Similarly all labels son, brother, father, uncle, etc.,

How can you be so many labels?

Though you are only Consciousness .. throughout the wakeful state …

Your ‘I am ness’ knowing remains the same irrespective of imposed labels.

It does not change…!

Only labels get changed.…!

You need to be a son to one, brother to one, and Uncle to someone.. but you are just Consciousness only throughout….!

Know you are not those fixed labels but the Observer only..!

How can an Observer get affected?

Once you stabilize and settle in your consciousness….

You will not be burdened by these labels…!

Rather you simply enjoy…

As Consciousness nature is only joyfulness…!

Bubbling with joy..!

Your suffering shows your personality….!

At the conscious level, all forms are one and the same…..!

Why don’t you see all forms as yourself?

As they all appear in your consciousness only..!

Just Now..!

Other than your consciousness where are they?

Then division disappears…

You will know that one Consciousness is playing different roles in different shapes with different attitude… a great drama… Going on…Just a play…

You will not be serious about this anymore…Once your consciousness gets stabilized in its source as you get to know the play by elemental Consciousness…

You are asking how to drop?

This clearly shows that you are holding onto those labels…… very strongly still as if you are only those labels and not Consciousness…

When are you going to get rid of your personality…?

Just remain conscious here, now…

And know you are only this ‘ I am ‘. .. without words…!

At least now understand those labels are never you…..!

You are the Supreme..!

How you are trapped by these simple labels?

What ignorance?

You say they are still an obstacle in your path…….,

What do you mean by path?

Where do you travel?

You are Already That!

No need to travel and you do not need any path…

Truth is Here, Now..!

All that you need to do is, ‘Just Wake Up ! ‘ from the present dream by Consciousness…!

How to wake up?

It is Consciousness which creates everything and it, itself is trapped …

By not knowing what this Conscious principle is..!

To know what Consciousness is, it has to remain conscious consistently…

Then it knows its Supreme richness…..!

Now, do you understand that there is nothing called an obstacle….?

The Only obstacle is that your Consciousness is trapped by outside happenings as more real …!

As it is not aware of itself..!

It is earlier the better, your Consciousness gets to know its source…..!

In your consciousness, whatever that appear are also by Consciousness…!

All appearances are by Consciousness..!

All happenings too by Consciousness..!

There is nothing here, other than your consciousness..!

All appear in your consciousness only..!

Without your consciousness, there is no such thing as called world….!

Then tell me, who is here to obstacle your path?

It is like in your sleep dream, all appear and do many activities… Disturbing you…..

Once you wake up, where are they?

From where they appeared in your dream?

Ponder over this deeply……

Now you are still inside the dream telling that all identities are obstacles in your path…

So, I say ‘ better wake up from your present dream consciously…!

That is the only remedy…

Can you?