You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Hit me hard and wake me up!

December 28, 2022 | 410 views

GM: Only to wake up physically, sound is needed.

To wake up consciously neither sound nor movements are needed.

While your ‘I am’ Consciousness merges in source through stillness, it starts waking up.

Whenever you abide in stillness, your Consciousness is awake!

This wakefulness is beyond words, beyond movements!

This wakefulness makes you free from the dreams!

This wakefulness relaxes you from all happenings in space!

This wakefulness helps you to realize your Eternity beyond birth!

This wakefulness makes you aware of your Supreme reality beyond space and time!

This wakefulness makes you complete, total and perfect!

This wakefulness helps you to understand that all these play happenings within space are not real!

This wakefulness helps you to observe all the play within space non seriously!

This wakefulness is beyond time!

It remains unbothered about timely events!

The more you abide in stillness the more the wakefulness is!

When abidance in stillness is continuous.. wakefulness is also continuous!

When abidance in stillness is constant….

Consciousness fully wakes up from its own created unreal dreams and knows its original Supreme, ever present Eternal nature!

All these talks are only to indicate…

The Ultimate truth within you… which you are yet to be aware of … as your Consciousness is sleeping… by the imposed knowledge… taking them to be more real.!

Stay beyond words and abide in stillness..!

This is the only way to wake up the sleeping Consciousness within!

Can you?