You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Dream in sleep disappears upon waking….. When Consciousness fully awakens will this dream called world disappear Or again worldly dreams appear?

September 24, 2022 | 312 views

GM: In deep sleep, there is neither the world nor any forms…

Spontaneously dream figures appear and move here and there…for sometime…!

This dream figures are due to the interaction of elements in a ray of light…

Which is called as dreams …

When elements stop interacting…. manifestation of dreams also stop…

Then You are in deep sleep…

Spontaneously elements interact and ‘I amness’ Consciousness happens…

Simultaneously the world and the entire manifestation happens in space…!

This ‘ I amness’ consciousness unknowingly trapped by the worldly happenings not knowing…that they are only the reflection of light within…!

This consciousness is trapped by its own dream as long as it assumes itself as a separate entity with a
finite shape and volume…!

Once Consciousness is Conscious of itself and knows the stillness within….then it does not fall a prey to any of the happenings outside and responds outside only whenever needed and remains quiet and cool… Inwardly… Silently…!

You are asking: ‘when Consciousness fully awakens will this dream called world disappear? Or again worldly dreams appear?’

When Consciousness fully merges in Awareness, where is Consciousness?

It has already become one with the Awareness…!

At the awareness level, neither Consciousness nor any manifestations…nor the world or dreams…!

Where dream happens?

Only in your ‘I amness’ Consciousness

Is it not?

When you are no more Conscious neither the world nor dreams…!

Now you are asking this question only in the field of Consciousness…you are yet to know the Source…Where there is neither Consciousness nor the dreamy world…

Even this question is asked in your dream state only…!

Once your Consciousness is Awakened…

You are That Supreme, The Ultimate Reality…!

The Awareness is the Source of all…!

It contains all in nascent stage…

It is the Source of innumerable lights of lights …!

It is Indescribable, Immutable, Unchanging and Unmoving…

It is beyond Consciousness…!

Your ‘I amness’ Consciousness appears out of the Awareness due to the spontaneous movements of elements…

Once ‘ I amness’ Consciousness happens ….it manifests the entire world as it contains the seed of the universe …
reflecting as objects in space…

Entire perception is nothing but a dream only…!

Whether it is perceived in sleep dream with eyes closed or perceived with eyes open in waking state…

Entire perception is only a dream …!

When Consciousness focuses its attention on itself and subsides in stillness consistently… then there is neither the manifestation nor the world… as Consciousness is merging in Awareness itself…so dream stops…!

When Conscious is not Conscious of itself…dreamy world happens…

When Consciousness is Conscious of itself dreamy world does not happen…!

Now where this dream happens other than your Consciousness?

You ask about the dream, what happens to it?

Do you know who the Observer of the dreams by consciousness is?

You are worrying mostly about the dreams only… You are not bothered about the Observer of the dreams.

You, the Observer prevail prior to Consciousness and its manifested dreams…..!

Why are you bothered whether Consciousness happens or not? and dreams happen or not…when they are not you…!

This shows that your Consciousness is yet to know its Source…!

Then you know, the Observer above all…prevail…ever here…!

Whether consciousness happens or not …. Dream happens or not…

You remain cool… unbothered…

In your original Supreme state…

Even now when you remain cool, unbothered about any happenings, You are That Only …!

Better remain cool and know at least Now…your Supreme Richness…!

Can you?