You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Denying the form, Using the form – Which one is correct ?

February 11, 2022 | 574 views

GM: Where does the form exist now?

Is it not in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now?

But for your Consciousness can the form exist?

First, you are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’..!

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness not only your form but all forms exist just now!

You know the form only through your Consciousness!

When you are no more conscious, form also cannot be known!

So, your … ‘I am ness’ Consciousness and form are not separate!

Know this first!

Consciousness is everywhere!

But it knows its presence only through the form as ‘I am ness’…!

In your Consciousness, only form happens just now!

Your consciousness creates the form and functions through the form just now!

What is a form?

Is it not an accumulation of zillions and zillions of cells as a fixed shape and a mass?

Each and every cell is created by your Consciousness only just now!

Every metabolic activity is by your Consciousness only!

Consciousness prevails prior to form!

Form happen just now in your Consciousness!

Your consciousness is trapped by accepting itself as a tiny form not knowing its infinity beyond boundaries here in space!

Now your Consciousness is trapped by the form level identity and hence this question:

Q: Denying the form or using the form – which one is correct?

Unknowingly Your Consciousness asks this question as it does not know that it is using the form just now and asking this question!

See how it is trapped now!

You cannot deny the form as the form is necessary to know your existence as ‘ I am ness’ now!

Only through the form, your Consciousness knows its existence as ‘I am ness’ now!

But your Consciousness wrongly accepts itself as a form not knowing it is only Consciousness within out of which all forms and entire manifestations happen spontaneously just now!

Consciousness which knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ through the form should know that it is prior to form and only using the form now!

This form is an instrument like seeing a distant object through a telescope.

You see an object through a telescope. Are you the telescope?

You are only using the telescope.

Similarly, here your Consciousness is only using the form!

You are using a musical instrument to play music!

Are you the instrument?

Are you not using the instrument?

Just like that this form is used by your Consciousness constantly throughout waking state!

Consciousness needs this form to know itself!

Consciousness takes care of the form through constant intake of food at frequent intervals!

To the Consciousness, form is necessary to know itself!

To the form, food is essential to maintain itself!

You cannot deny food to the form!

By denying food your form becomes weaker and without food, the form cannot be known through Consciousness!

Q: denying the form, using the form – which one is correct?

By denying form what do you mean?

You mean denying food?

Your form cannot survive without food!

food is enriched with Consciousness!

By denying food you are denying yourself which is Consciousness at present!

This form is woven out of Consciousness only just now!

Once you are conscious of yourself by closing eyes and knowing the stillness within ….then you remain calm and conscious of whatever you do!

Once you are conscious of yourself your Consciousness uses the form consciously for worldly purposes.

Simultaneously your consciousness starts knowing its immense potential within prior to form arrival here!

By remaining conscious of yourself through stillness your consciousness uses the form consciously!

By not remaining conscious of itself and accepting itself as a tiny form it is not aware of its true nature within and asks this question unknowingly!

Now, tell me:
Is it not essential to be conscious of yourself just now and know that you are prior to the form and only using the form to know your supreme richness?