You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Could you please explain how the -seeming- process of identification comes about?

February 20, 2023 | 338 views

GM: First know that you are Conscious of yourself!

In your Consciousness only everything appears, happens and disappears..!

Your Consciousness knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ through this form.!

Your Consciousness is infinite but to know its presence it needs a physical matrix…called form…!

Now infinite Consciousness identifying itself as a finite form..!

Your Consciousness is prior to Space.!
Now identifying… all objects in space .!

Your Consciousness is prior to time.!
Now identifying….all movements as time..!

Your Consciousness is prior to movements.!
Now identifying… all movements as itself.!

Your Consciousness is prior to words.!
Now identifying…. all words as itself!

Your Consciousness is prior to name.!
Now identifying itself as a particular name.!

Your Consciousness is prior to manifestations!
Now identifying… all manifestations to be real.!

Your Consciousness is never born.!
Now accepting itself to be born.!

Your Consciousness never dies.!
Now accepting death as real.!

Your Consciousness is prior to waking, sleep and dream states.!

Now identifying all events happening in waking, dream states… to be real.!

Though your Consciousness is prior to space and entire manifestations in space ……

It is continuously trapped by the entire show happening in space to be real…

And remain perturbed throughout the waking state…

The basic fact is… your Consciousness accepts itself to be a form…though it is prior to form.!

Your Consciousness is only using the form… but it is more than the form..the infinite Consciousness is now trapped by the finite form level identities…

Hence it accepts birth and death as real.!

Though it is never born.!

Where is the death for the one which is never born?

Every Conflict within space is due to the identifications only.!

Know.! you are prior to identifications.!

Identifications are only for utility..!

Identifications are not you.!

Your Consciousness which is infinite and prior to space is…….now identifying itself as a tiny form with fixed labels…

Your Consciousness remains incomplete through identifications.!

Your Consciousness knows its Wholeness…only when it is free from all imposed identifications.!

By knowing what this ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness is… your Consciousness is totally relieved from the entire Duality show and knows its Complete Absolute wholeness beyond duality…!

Only a non stop play is going on throughout the waking state by the interaction of elements just now.!

Through identifications your Consciousness is trapped by the play.!

Once your Consciousness is free from all imposed identifications and remains Conscious of itself…  It is free from the play…!

Remain free from the imposed identifications and know your Conscious presence…

Only then…you can get to know what you are exactly.!

Will you?
