You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Can you please clear this mind oriented common question…. How to permanently quit from old habits ( like liquor, chewing tobacco, smoking cigars etc.,)?

November 30, 2022 | 354 views


What are you now?

Are you the mind?

What is mind?

Where does the mind exist?

First, be clear of What you are now.

I say ‘ You are Consciousness only at present!

In your Consciousness only everything appears, functions and disappears.

But you never seem to focus attention on yourself!

Always focus attention on something which is not yourself!


Mind does not exist!

Only thoughts happen in your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness for a shorter duration and disappear…

Can thoughts happen when you are not Conscious of yourself?

In your Consciousness only thoughts move.

Thoughts do not have a dwelling place.

They simply move!

Thoughts are not you!

You are the Master at the conscious level!

You only use the thought!

Thoughts are your obedient servant.

Remain Conscious and observe the thoughts silently.

You will know they are not you!

When they are not you,

Why do you bother about thoughts?

This indicates clearly that you are not yet conscious of yourself!

When you identify yourself as a tiny form you are trapped by the personality unknowingly!

Your Consciousness is not conscious of itself!

It never knows its highest potential!

It never knows its inner beauty!

It never knows its infinite peace!

It never knows its infinite joy!

It never knows its infinity beyond boundaries!

Your question is:

How to permanently quit from old habits?

Tell me!

What is permanent here within space?

Whatever perceived within space are constantly changing at an unexplainable greatest speed including your form just now!

This you never know at the personality level.

You take everything to be a constant event unknowingly!

Just now! Zillions and zillions of cells within your form are appearing and disappearing at a greater speed in no time.

Similarly whatever perceived within space as objects are constantly changing Just Now.

This you can know only at the Conscious level!

You are asking:
How to permanently quit from old habits?


Habits are not you!

Every action is by Consciousness only just now!

There are never any persons here!

All forms are conscious forms only!

It is Consciousness functioning through all forms just now!

It is your
‘I am ness’ Consciousness only!

Forms appear as many!

But that which functions through the form is Consciousness only!

But for Consciousness there is neither the world nor any forms including your form just now!

When every Action is New,

Every movement is New,

Every breathing is New!

Every heartbeat is New!

Every happening within space is New!

All happenings are by your Consciousness in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

Tell me
what is old here?
What is a habit?
Is it not an action just now?
There is nothing called habit!

Just now every action is by your Consciousness itself!

When your Consciousness is not conscious of itself it accepts the non existing past as real and asks this question unknowingly!

Remain conscious and know that each and every action is by your consciousness only just now and there is No Doer, Never any person Here!

Remain conscious of yourself!

Your consciousness knows…..

Whether to accept liquor, tobacco, cigars etc.,or not…..

Why do you need all these things?

‘Because of stress’ you may say!

What is stress?

Overflowing thoughts only!

When thoughts are not you,
How can they disturb you?

Because you identify them as more real!


Because you are yet to remain conscious of yourself just now!

Once you are conscious of yourself , you know the stillness within!

Once you know the peace within,

You do not require any chemical items to remain peaceful!

Already you know the peacefulness within!

You know the joy within!

Your Consciousness is the only medicine to free yourself from all non existing old so called habits (actions)!

At the Conscious level:

‘You are enough unto Yourself!’

When you are not conscious of yourself you run after all these chemical items, though they cannot give you permanent remedy!

You have a permanent remedy within you just now!

You know it by going inwardly just now!

Know your immense peace beyond boundary just now!

The infinite joy which is endless just now!