Where do all divisions happen?
In your ‘ I am ness’ only!
This ‘I am ness’ is by Consciousness itself due to the interaction of elements.
Entire manifestation within space is by ‘I am ness’ Consciousness itself!
But for ‘I am ness’ Consciousness nothing is here!
‘I am ness’ and world are not separate!
Like sun and sun rays!
Nothing is separate from yourself just now!
Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is yet to know it is Consciousness only….as it is trapped by personality identity accepting it is separate from whatever perceived though there is no division.
Consciousness goes on singing in praise of the other…though there is nothing alien to it!
Consciousness dreams through personality identity!
Dream happens in duality!
Once Consciousness is Conscious of itself it starts waking up from the dream Consciously and gets to know that nothing perceived is real here in space.
Consciousness wakes up and knows the non dual….
Till it wakes up….. it is trapped by the personality duality and sings in praise of the other!
Praising the other is like praising yourself!
Only your ‘I amness’ is reflected as all objects within space!
All that perceived is only yourself!
Then whom are you praising or fighting with?
Having known that your ‘I amness’ Consciousness is the base for entire manifestation within space, can you find any division here apart from yourself?