You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Can I remain in this state forever or longer time without feeling of body/ world and knowing/ conscious state…please explain.

October 1, 2022 | 371 views


Know You are Already Beyond Consciousness, Beyond Body, Beyond World, Beyond Knowing…..!

You prevail prior to all these…..!

Though you are the Supreme, the Source of Consciousness…Once ‘I am ness’ Consciousness happens…
Your Consciousness is trapped at the personality level identities Unknowingly and you are continuously dragged down by all sorts of feelings …..

Not knowing Exactly…What you Are..!

You still consider yourself to be a form, Born on such a time to so and so…though you were Never Born….!

You behave the way you have been conditioned…by the ignorant around you….!

You are finished with your imposed conditionings and borrowed Knowledge….!

You know nothing more than that….!

You live without asking why you are here?

What for you are here?

Whether all these happenings are real or not?

You don’t even know What this Conscious principle ‘I am’ is because of which you know the world and all happenings….!

You simply carry out all activities like a machine without investigating the purpose of your existence here ….!

You were told to fulfill many ambitions and goals to achieve and you spend entire lifetime only on that line…finally you are left with the fear of death too….and your whole life is a waste by not knowing the peace within and not knowing “What you Exactly Are…!”

First… know that your ‘I am ness’ is due to Consciousness only Just Now…!

In your ‘I am ness’  Consciousness only the World and all appearances happen Simultaneously…!

You see the world as long as you are Conscious…!

Once Conscious is no more, the world also disappears….!

Then What is the validity of the entire happenings within Conscious field?

But you are More Worried about All happenings as if all are Real…..!

Where do they happen?

In your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only…!

But for your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness, can there be any world?

Why don’t you investigate on these lines?

So everything exists only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness….. just now..!

This ‘ I am ness’ also appears by morning 5am or so…and disappears by night 10 pm or so….!

Can that which appear and disappear be True?

When this ‘I amness’ itself is not permanent, what about all those happenings within ‘ I am ness’?

Why don’t you spend a little time for yourself and investigate…What this Conscious principle ‘ I am’ is..?

On investigation, you will come to Know the Source of Consciousness..!

Once Source is known …. Consciousness which accepts that it is Born …comes to know that it is Never Born…and Ever present…The Supreme Reality….!

Then it knows that it is prior to Consciousness…prior to form and prior to Knowing…and it is the Source of all..!

Most of the time you are like that without Body sense..while working…you don’t feel the Body unless some pain happens to the Body….

This pain is due to some imbalance of elements in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness…!

Once this ‘I am ness’ happens you are caught by the world…at the form level identities…

Otherwise, you are in your Original state only….!

Know you are not this ‘I am ness’…

You are beyond ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now….!

You are asking can I remain in that state for a longer time…..

Originally you are in that state only forever…!

This state is Beyond time…. Beyond space… Beyond form…

You are Always That only….!

Your question shows that you take this natural state also to be time bound…

Hence asking how long…can I remain….?

You are Ever in this state only… Timeless, Formless, Nameless and Attributeless…

You are not the Qualities….

You are prior to Qualities….!

Once Consciousness ‘I am’ happens… You, the Supreme now caught by a Form, Name, Time and
many types of Attributes…

What a fall.!

Occasionally you come to know this state…

Just be…and know this state forever in spite of all happenings in the Conscious field…..!

My state is the same whether bodily Consciousness happens or not….!

I know that state Forever…!

Even Now ….!

Better you also know it Now….

It is Here…! Always….!

Don’t …!