You Are Already That

Beloved GM, by knowledge I know what that state is? But experience wise still I feel like a baby. I am walking on this path for nearly 11 yrs. Now itself when I close my eyes I feel like a new beginner, why?

May 21, 2022 | 514 views

GM: You are already That and always That.!

You cannot be anything else other than that supreme!!

Your fall begins with the beginning of Consciousness knowing itself as ‘I am’

So, you must get to know what this principle ‘I am ‘ is!

Earlier in deep sleep, you were not aware of your existence.

Now, suddenly you are aware that you exist through this conscious principle ‘ I am ‘….

In this principle ‘ I am ‘ entire world is created, functioning goes on…and world comes to an end once ‘I am ‘ disappears.

Now you must know what this principle ‘I am ‘ is because of which world and all forms happen and disappear with this principle.

This ‘I am’ knowing happens out of elemental interaction.

It is not you!

You prevail earlier to the arrival of this principle.

With this principle only manifestation happens.

You prevail even now…only this principle ‘I am’ disappears…. But you prevail forever.

Let this be an understanding now..!

This understanding becomes your direct knowing once your Conscious settles down and stabilizes  in  your consciousness consistently.

All my talks are from the source itself.!

I am giving you self-knowledge…!

This means the knowledge about the self…. How it happens….and functions.

You don’t compare this knowledge with the borrowed knowledge.

Borrowed knowledge is out of sheer ignorance for the ignorant.

This self-knowledge is for the Consciousness from its own source.

Understand this first.

You say experience wise you still feel like a baby….!

What experience you need to know your supreme nature as you are prior to all experiences….?

You are the observer of any experiences.

You are not the experiences.

Then why long for experiences?

You say you are walking on this path for a longer duration.

Actually, you never walk.

You are the unmoving reality.

You are always here.

Where are you going by walk and for what? …when you are already here, now…!

No need to walk. Just relax here, now….and you will know…..!

You say when you close your eyes you feel like a new beginner……!

It is good only…as everything begins here, now in your Consciousness….

what more do you expect here now?

You are on the right path when you live here, now… Just be…you can know your Supreme nature through Consciousness only by living here now….!

Do not count timings as you are beyond time.

Leave all such nonsense.

Just be…you know you are!

Stay here! Settle here! ….and know all is here only…!!!