You Are Already That

Beloved GM, at the most I can remain Conscious, nothing is in my hands, is it not?

March 24, 2022 | 363 views

Know you are beyond Consciousness Always, The Ultimate, Supreme..!

You are ever present here….never born…!

See how you are caught by this Conscious ‘I am’ now…and asking this question as if all are real…!

This is the beauty of consciousness…to make you believe all is real …!

You, the Supreme, beyond manifestations…now caught by conscious and its manifested field…!

You are beyond time but caught by time….!

You are beyond Consciousness now …but caught by consciousness and its play….!

When are you going to know your Supreme nature as long as you are trapped by conscious play as real?

How are you going to know?

When are you going to wake up from the dream by Consciousness?

Have you ever investigated on these lines that you should know your unborn Supreme nature?

You, the Supreme, unknowingly focus attention only on worldly events considering all as real and  go on pursuing this ..and that.. endlessly with so much expectations….!

Had you known that all is only a dream by Consciousness would you dare to care such things?

First know, at present ‘You Are’…and you know that ‘You Exist’ even without words….!

This conscious ‘I am’ is your only present capital…!

Just hold onto it consistently …and stay and stabilize in your ‘I am ness’….

Then there is a possibility for your Consciousness to know its Supreme nature…

Or else you will be caught by Conscious play endlessly…..!

There is no peace for you whatsoever you do….!

Now you are asking…..’ at the most I can remain conscious…’

What do you mean by that?

With what Identity you are asking this?

Certainly at the personality level only…..!

You say at the most …

I can remain Conscious…..

As if you know conscious already…!

Do you know what Consciousness is…?

Having known can you talk like this?

Had you known what Consciousness is…

Then you are That……Supreme..!

You are talking at the most …What do you mean by that?

Is there anything apart from your Consciousness?

Whatever you perceive and know is only by Consciousness………..No person …!

All functions are also by consciousness…!

Who is here other than Consciousness to know itself?

It is Consciousness searching itself…!

Unknowingly it is caught by its own projections as it is not conscious of itself…..!

Once conscious is Conscious of itself and lives here, now….through stillness within …!

Then it knows its true Supreme nature….not until then ….!

Now you tell me…..What do you want to do with your consciousness here on this earth?

Simply let it go into waste by not living consciously……Or

Want to know your Supreme truth by living Consciously…?

You say’ nothing is in my hands’ …..!

You are still stuck at personality as if you are the doer…..!

First know that all happen spontaneously within…in your ‘I am ness’…only!

Nothing is outside …meaning that no happenings are real…!

Still you go on waste time outside only…..!

There are so many realized go on shouting

‘Wake Up’…!

But no one has listened so far except a very few say …one in a billion …and get to know their Supreme reality….!

I say now:

At least now, can you listen and know?