You Are Already That

Beloved GM, As you said earlier, I am always within you & vice versa. So I declared myself “Awakened” without words.

October 22, 2022 | 303 views

GM: Certainly!

I say, ‘You are Already That ..!’

Then what for I am taking classes here?

Only to make you aware of what you are exactly now!

Your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness wakes up through stillness…..!

This is only the beginning of your knowing…..

Your Consciousness completes itself by transcending itself once it merges totally in its source of Awareness!

Then it knows its wholeness!

Its unborn nature beyond dualities!

Knowing this :

I, the Absolute prevail here forever!

I am Non dual!

Nothing never happens to Me!

I have no beginning and no ending!

I am ever present!

I am Total, Complete and perfect!

I am the source of Consciousness!

Consciousness happens out of Me !

I am prior to Consciousness and its play in space!

I simply Observe the play as I know none of the play happenings are real in space by Consciousness!

I know what this Consciousness is!

So I remain unbothered about the entire play happenings within space!

I know nobody never born!

Where is the death for the one which is never born?

When nothing is born, what are all these that are perceived here in space?

This, your Consciousness should investigate deeply through stillness and know that all that perceived in space are nothing but a reflection of light within …none of them real in space!

Once your Consciousness knows that none of the perceived are real…will it fall a prey to any happenings in space here?

Your consciousness which accepts its birth as real by identifying itself as a form should know that it is never born!

It knows its deathlessness by abiding in stillness consistently and transcending itself in its source of Awareness!

Consciousness which remains incomplete by accepting itself as a form and its birth as real… completes its journey by knowing its deathlessness by transcending itself in source of Awareness!

Till then Consciousness remains incomplete only through form identity and its birth as real…

My entire teachings are only to wake up your Consciousness sleeping through personality to know its unborn nature , eternity beyond birth and death!

Till your Consciousness wakes up from its own duality dream called birth and death ….and knows its eternity ….

Never get stuck anywhere in between and declare that you have known

Complete your journey , peacefully and know your wholeness beyond duality.!

I am ever here!

I know what this Consciousness is!

Better you too know what this Consciousness is!

Then you know!

This:  ‘You Are Already That..!’