You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Around me, life burst with miracles….. Can you explain on this?

October 19, 2022 | 356 views



You are the Observer of all miracles within space !

Space is a miracle!

All appearances are a miracle!

Every form within space is a miracle!

Every happening in space is a miracle!

Where does all miracle happen?

Can there be any miracle if you are not Consciousness?

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only all miracle appear to happen just now!

Where do all miracles go when you are no more conscious of yourself?

Where do all miracles begin here in space?

Is it not in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now?


All miracles begin in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness!

All miracle happen in your Consciousness just now!

All miracles disappear when consciousness merges back in its source of Awareness!

your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the only miracle here in which every miracle happen just now!

First know, What this Consciousness is!

Then you know, you have nothing to do with any miracle here as none of them are real in space!

Once you know this you are totally free from all that observed in space!

You will not fall a prey to any miracle in space!

Rather, you will Observe them silently…and remain unconcerned as nothing is real here…

All happenings are only an entertainment by Consciousness!