You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Are you saying just because of food intake, the body is sustained and hence the ‘I am ness’? When consciousness knows itself, what happens to the ‘I am ness’?

July 23, 2022 | 353 views

GM: You are asking whether the body is sustained just because of food……!


This form is made of five elemental interaction resulting in  ‘I am ness’ the indwelling principle within the form.

Universal consciousness knows its existence only through this form due to ‘I am ness’ knowing…!

But for the form, Conscious cannot know its presence….!

For the form to sustain this ‘I am ness’…food is essential…!

Every 4 to 5 hrs… Food has to be given to the form to sustain this ‘I am ness’ as it depends on food intake….!

Note this: For the Consciousness to know itself it needs a physical framework called form…..!

For the form to maintain itself food is necessary…!

For the food, five elements are needed to produce them…!

Now see the dependency in this way:  Universal Consciousness pervades everywhere……!

For the Consciousness to know its existence a physical matrix is needed…!

Hence Consciousness depends on the form…..!

For the form to continue food is essential…..!

For the food, five elemental interaction is needed…!

Thus, the food essence sustains conscious, ‘I am ness’ in it…. in latent form….!

This food essence now expresses itself through a form when available as world, cosmos etc..,

Now, Where does the world exist?

Other than your ‘ I am ness’ which is due to food essence..!

When food supply is stopped, ‘I am ness’ cannot happen, so also the world…..!

Whatever food taken inside when digested, food is burnt into calories resulting in heat, gas and energy….!

This heat, say temperature only makes the form to know its presence……!

When there is no more food intake for a longer duration neither digestion nor heat…!

The body temperature lowers like a frozen ice as in deep sleep where ‘I am ness’ is not felt….!

So Consciousness depends on a form…!

Form depends on food intake…!

Food depends on five elements…!

Each depending on the other…!

It is a vicious cycle……!

Simply call it as an elemental play …..!

Where everything arises… functions and disappears spontaneously..!

You are asking when Consciousness knows itself, what happens to the ‘I am ness’?

Light is Consciousness….!

Out of this……space, air, fire, ocean and earth happen spontaneously…..!

Now the universal Consciousness contains all these five elements…..!

These five elements interact at different speed with different permutation of combinations and produce millions of species ….!

Each species has this ‘ I am’ knowing within…out of which they function…!

No species need guidance from outside for their functioning…!

They all function out of their primary knowledge, ‘I am ness’ sustained in them…..!

Only human being receive more knowledge from outside and suffer due to the same….!

Rest are all functioning from their original ‘I am’ knowledge beautifully…..!

This Conscious ‘I am’ is wrongly conditioned as a person with so many fixed identities….and continue to function at the personality level till it meets a realized…!

Once in touch with the realized…

It starts knowing that it is Conscious only and not the form which appears for a shorter duration….!

Then Consciousness focuses its attention on itself and knows the stillness within and stabilizes there itself consistently….!

When conscious is Conscious of itself…

The content of consciousness… elements dissolve gradually….!

When there is no possibility for interaction …. ‘ I am ness’ cannot happen…!

Hence ‘ I am ness’ is no more felt…!

Once Consciousness transcends itself ….

It transcends the form…and knows that it is not the finite form but more than form…It is infinite… and merges totally in Awareness itself which is its source.

Now Consciousness becomes Awareness which is never Born but Ever Present…..!

At the Awareness level Consciousness is no more….!

Only Awareness….with no beginning and no ending…..!

Awareness is Unmoving, Unchanging… Never born… Ultimate..!

So neither the manifestation nor the world. …!

You are already That…..!

Now, this question is asked by Conscious, ‘ I am ness’, what happens to this ‘ I am ness’?

This question is by consciousness which is due to elemental interaction….!

But for elemental interaction neither the ‘I am ness’ nor the world…..!

Once Consciousness knows itself… elements stop interacting…!

So neither ‘I am ness’ ….nor the world…!

This question by ‘I am ness’ is by five elemental product ‘I am ness’ only…!

But for your, ‘I amness’ , can this question happen?

As long as Consciousness identifies itself as a form, world continues…!

Once Consciousness knows itself only Wholeness and Completeness..!

Nothing happens at the awareness level……!

Whatever that appears to happen in the Conscious field is due to elemental interaction….!

When this elemental Conscious react world happens…!

When conscious is Conscious of itself and does not react and abide in stillness…no world…!

When conscious knows itself… Only the contents dissolve in Awareness….!

Now Awareness contains all in nascent stage….!

Spontaneously movement happens out of this Awareness…!

Elements interact…

‘I am ness’ happens…

World happens…functions and disappears….!

This five elemental play goes on as there is no doer…..!

But, you the Observer, above all… The Awareness never come inside this picture called conscious field and its contents….

Like how you were comfortably sleeping on your bed…! peacefully…. without the manifested world….!

Spontaneously how you were caught by the so called dream in the conscious field by conscious forms and remain restless….!

Exactly…. !!!

Now you are unborn Awareness only.. !

Nothing Never Ever happens to you , the Observer…..!

You are already beyond Consciousness….!

See how you are trapped by this conscious field … Once ‘ I am ness’ happens …!

This ‘ I am ness’ is not you…!

It is a biochemical with sensors….!

You are not this biochemical product…which arises out of five elements…!

You are neither the five elements nor the food essence nor this ‘I am ness’ too…..!

You are the Observer beyond all these which appear and disappear….!

You are never Born….Ever Present….! Supreme…!

But caught by this elemental play because you are not aware …what this ‘I am ness’ principle is because of which world is there….!

You are the Observer of whatever that appears in the conscious field including this ‘I am ness’ principle which appears for a shorter duration…..!

Don’t be deceived by the entire play happenings in the field of this ‘I am ness’ by Consciousness..!

Just observe silently, Consciously and know you are only the Observer..!

Never the observed…

And remain cool…..unbothered…..!

Whatever that appears to happen in the field of Consciousness is exactly a dream only….!

Not real…..!

As long as you are inside the dream, everything appears to be more real..!

Once you wake up… where is the dream and their contents called….all forms?

Ponder over this..!

Once Conscious happens, you are continuously trapped like that dream in sleep….though you are the Observer only….!

What is the remedy for all your so called sufferings?

When you dream, someone appears in your dream and says:

‘This is a dream only…not real….better Wakeup up…!’

What will you do?

Won’t you wake up?

Exactly that is what I am doing now, in your so called conscious dream….!

Now I appear and say: ‘ This is all a dream only..! Better wake up..!’.

I tell you now to remain conscious to know what this Conscious principle ‘I am’ is…!

Once it is known you are out of the dream…!

You know your Supreme, eternal, immutable reality..!

At least now…….Can you wake up and know it is all a dream only?