You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Are there any objects really? There isn’t a tangible object, isn’t it? You call it unreal. Just like in the dream. I saw an elephant in my dream last night. The elephant obviously doesn’t exist. Or unreal? In the dream it appeared real. But it is not true. Similarly, even in the waking state whatever we see is unreal. Is the unreal the same unreal as the Elephant in my dream? All there was in my dream last night was my consciousness and its play. Isn’t it the same in the waking state as well?

November 16, 2022 | 340 views

GM: Every matter is Nothing but a reflection of light only.

Light is reflected as all objects perceived in space.

But for light there is no object in space!

But what is perceived is only a reflection in space.

Every object is only a reflection of light in space.

Space itself is created out of light only.

Pure light cannot be perceived.

Light itself is reflected as quarks, photons, electrons….and every elements in space.

There is nothing here in space other than the content of Consciousness.

Consciousness itself is reflected as all objects in Space.

Consciousness is light.

Consciousness is reflected as all contents within space.

You are asking… 

” All there was in my dream last night was my consciousness and its play. Isn’t it the same in the waking state as well?”

Whatever perceived as objects within space including form is nothing but the reflection of light only whether it is a waking state or dream state.

Everything appears to be real but not so.

As all objects are only the reflection of the light within.

Can the reflections be real.?

Reflections are constantly changing.

Can Real change itself?

Reflections are constantly moving.

Can Real move?

Reflections appear and disappear.

Can Real Appear and Disappear.?

Your Consciousness should know that it is the light itself which is the Source of all that appear in space.

Till then it accepts all that appear, happen and disappear to be real.

Your Consciousness starts waking up by knowing that light is the source of all that perceived in space and there is no reality in anything perceived.

Then only it transcends the duality and knows the Non dual Eternity beyond the duality.

Your Consciousness now sleeping through the personality form level identity starts waking up only by being Conscious of itself through stillness and not otherwise.

My whole teaching is only to wake up the sleeping Consciousness within.!