You Are Already That

Beloved GM, are my birth, my profession, all my activities… including death happen as per preordain? Are all that happen as per my previous karma? I am more confused about this. Can you clarify?

February 15, 2022 | 442 views


My question :  

who is born?

What is karma?

What is a form?

Where does all exist?

What are you?

Whatever perceived is real or unreal?

Were you born?

How do you know that ‘you exist’?

It is your consciousness which is reading this.

Can you read if you are not conscious?

At present  you know that ‘you exist’…. Without words.

This direct knowing ‘I am ness’ is Consciousness.

First, you are conscious of yourself.

In your self only everything appears including your form.

Entire manifestation is created by your  ‘I am ness’  Consciousness.

But for your Consciousness … Nothing is here.

This needs to be understood deeply.

I address my teachings only to consciousness.

Forms are created just now!

Your Consciousness prevails prior to form.

Your Consciousness only functions through all forms.

This ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is infinite and has no boundary…

It is beyond form…

It creates form…functions through forms…and drop forms too….!

All functionings in this entire manifestation is by Consciousness itself.

There is no person!

All by Consciousness itself!

Can a form function without Consciousness?

It is Consciousness functioning through forms.

Understand it deeply…

When all actions are by Consciousness itself, then who is doing what?

What is karma?

Is it not an action?

All actions are by Consciousness itself just now …..

Breathing, heart beating, circulation of blood, digestion and every metabolic activity is by Consciousness itself just now!

Your Consciousness is trapped by imposed personality as real…hence accepts birth and death as real…..

I say to your Consciousness :

‘you prevail here forever!’

You are beyond birth and death!

Nothing has never happened to you!

You are already the Supreme!

Better wake up consciously and know your eternity just now!

Remain Conscious of yourself!

Know the stillness within!

Abide in stillness and know!

By abiding in stillness your Consciousness wakes up from the dream called…. birth, body, Karma, thoughts, world and all sort of things including death……

And knows its ever present reality…..

You are the observer beyond consciousness…

You have nothing to do except to observe silently like seeing your dream in sleep state…

Now you know why you need to wake up Consciously.

Otherwise you are caught by the concept that you were born and going to die…and start discussing about karma….and all sort of things….which are unreal….

Every sincere seeker needs to listen these teachings totally…….

Then only you will not fall a prey to all such things called karma, previous birth….etc.,

First, find out whether this birth itself is real or not!