You Are Already That

Dear GM, Are there two things then… One prior to consciousness and consciousness itself?

May 12, 2022 | 380 views

GM: You, the observer alone prevail here forever!

The observer is prior to Consciousness!

You are beyond Consciousness already!

You never knew it!

Consciousness arises out of the awareness and merges back in awareness!

You are lying down in a bed and sleep comes.

In sleep, dream happens.

you struggle for water inside the dream….moving here and there.

When you wake up from the dream, you know it is a dream only.

you are lying down safe over the bed.

you see yourself inside that dream struggling….!

Now who is the observer of the dream. ?

Are you inside the dream or outside the dream?

Is dream real?

When the dream is real why should it disappear?

That which disappears…can it be real?

But you take the dream to be more real while perceiving… as you are yet to be aware of the observer.

You, the observer are already beyond dream!

Nothing has never happened to you!

Whatever that happened is not you!

This you know.. only upon waking up from the dream.

Similarly, now you take yourself to be a conscious form with limitations.

Hence struggling… as it is not you.

You prevail prior to the arrival of Consciousness!

This Consciousness creates world, forms and is entertaining itself through a play.

But you the observer are prior to Consciousness and its creations and the play by Consciousness.

You have nothing to do with the play but to Observe the play!

Do you really observe?

If so, your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness wakes up faster and knows it is only an Observer and never the observed… like a dream.

Your consciousness is sleeping…!

But not you… the Observer!

Your consciousness is creating…!

But not you…the Observer!

Your Consciousness is playing….!

But not you… the Observer!

Consciousness arises out of you.

It feels it is separate from you like a wave arising out of the Ocean.

Is the wave separate from the Ocean?

When Consciousness merges back in you like a wave settling…

It becomes the Ocean.. it is Awareness..!

Awareness is ever here!

Only Consciousness arises out of awareness and merges back in awareness.

Duality is there as long as ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness is there.

Once Consciousness merges back in awareness…Only Non dual prevail.

Non dual is real!

Duality is not real!

You are always the Observer only!

You need not bother about anything that happens within conscious field as it is not you!

Can you?