You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is Personality?

May 4, 2023 | 265 views

You are already the Supreme…!
You are formless, nameless and attributeless… You are never born…ever present…the only Reality…!

You are already beyond consciousness… you do not depend on Consciousness… rather it is Consciousness which depends on you….

You are always in your original state only… whether you know yourself or not…

Nothing has never happened to you…!

It is your ‘I am’ conscious asking this question…

Why are you bothered about the personality?

It is not you..!
Because you take yourself to be a form with a fixed name and functioning with many more identities imposed on you.

Your consciousness unknowingly identifies itself as a form…..!

By identifying itself as ‘I am’ Conscious you are relieved from the personality….!

Then it is possible for your Consciousness to know its Supreme nature.

As long as your Consciousness identifies itself as a form born on such and such a time…

It is impossible to know your Original Ultimate truth.

Your Consciousness knows itself through the form as ‘I am’… but it is not the form. It uses the form but it is more than the form.

Consciousness is universal.!

It pervades everywhere.!

Unknowingly it is limiting itself as a tiny form with a finite shape and volume and have a constant fear of losing the form…though it is beyond form.

Once you are in touch with a realized, your conscious ‘I am’ starts waking up from the so called personality dream…!

Of course, personality is a sheer dream by Consciousness….!

Can any dream be true?

So also your personality…your Consciousness which is trapped by the personality dream should wake up by knowing it is conscious ‘I am’ only… at present…. and not the imposed labels saying that I am this….and that…..!

Then it is possible for the Consciousness to wake up from the dream….or else it is deceived by the so called birth and death which do not exist.

Only forms appear and disappear in consciousness… taking the form to be a person is the greatest mistake.

When you identity yourself as a form, you are ignoring the indwelling conscious principle within the form.

Can there be a form if you are not Conscious?

Can there be a world or cosmos if you are not Conscious?

Even your so called memory exists only in your Consciousness…

It is a great wonder how you are continuously deceived by these concepts that you are born…and you are only the form and so on…..not knowing what is the principle by which you see and know the world without which there can be neither the world nor the manifestations.

Consciousness not knowing itself is personality..!

Once it knows that it is conscious only at present…then it can easily transcend itself too and remain free from its dream!

Know! As long as you consider yourself to be born and identifying yourself as a form… ignoring the consciousness within…your dream continues and you cannot remain peaceful… though you are the Supreme…!

Why not you dare to understand all that have been expounded here and remain conscious and get to know your Supreme truth?

Why do you stoop down to personality level?

Where is the need for you?

You are an emperor….now begging in streets due to personality as you want to upgrade your personality to a maximum famous figure so that the world should never forget you….!

I ask you, where does your world exist?

Can there be a world if you are not Conscious?

Can there be anything at all when you are no more conscious?

Why not you pay attention on your ‘ I am’ Consciousness?

Then you will never ask this type of question which is dragging you down again to a dream state!

When are you going to wake up?

As you are still holding onto personality, where is the personality for That which is never born?

Are you That which is never born?


Were you born?
Which is true?
Which is born?

Find out by Yourself…….!
