You Are Already That

Beloved GM, After knowing that I’m consciousness and prior to form, it doesn’t stay permanently. I have to remind myself about it. Why and what is to be done, if at all any thing to be done?

June 4, 2022 | 466 views


Have you known that you are Consciousness only?

Once it is known then no need to remind about it.!

How to know that you are Consciousness only at present?

Don’t you know that you exist ?

How do you know that you exist?

You know you exist on your own!

This knowing is direct!

You need not ask anyone about it…!

Just close your eyes now!

You know the peace within!

You know your presence even without words now!

This knowing your presence directly without any words through peace isĀ  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.

This peace within is the beginning of Consciousness!

This peace is the stillness within.!

Peace – stillness – ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.!

This stillness is prior to words!

This stillness is prior to movements!

This stillness is without boundaries!

This stillness is prior to form.!

Initially by closing the eyes you know the stillness within!

Now you are conscious of yourself without words.

From this stillness only all forms happen here including your form just now!

From this stillness only all words happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only all movements happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only entire cosmos happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only entire universe happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only entire manifestation happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only entire space happen just now!

From this unmoving stillness only entire

Objects within space happen just now!

You are yet to abide in this stillness constantly to explore the secrets about this Consciousness!

Q: why and what is to be done if at all anything to be done?

First close your eyes and know the stillness within!

Abide in stillness!

Observe silently all that happen in space like seeing a movie without involvement!

Respond only when it is essential…

Rest of the time observe silently!

When you observe silently you are free from all identifications imposed.!

When you Observe through identifications you are trapped by the unreal movie again.

Q: after knowing that I am Consciousness and prior to form, it does not stay permanently…

Of course!

How can you stay consciously when you all the time identify with things around you?

Are you free from identifications just now?

It is not possible to remain Conscious once you are identifying yourself as a tiny person with a fixed shape and design.

Through identifications you cannot remain Conscious of yourself!

You are infinite already!

But you identify yourself as a tiny person!

You are beyond name!

But you identify yourself as a name!

You are attributeless!

But you identify yourself with qualities !

Simply close your eyes and know the stillness within just now!

Now why you remain peaceful?

Because, you are free from all identifications such as shapes, designs, forms, words, sounds, and entire manifested world itself!

Similarly, when you abide in stillness constantly and observe silently…

Just now you know that you exist … And in your Consciousness only all else happen spontaneously!

Just close eyes and know the stillness within!

This is only the beginning of Consciousness!

Abide in stillness consistently to know what ‘you are ‘ exactly!

Will you?