You Are Already That

Namaste GM, Is there any path needed for Realization?

April 28, 2022 | 367 views

There is no need of any path!

You are already in your destination.!

In your Original state, Unmoving, Unchanging,

Ever present.!

You only perceive.!

But unknowingly you are caught up by the Conscious field on its arrival as ‘I amness”.

This ‘I am ness’ Consciousness does not know itself.

Hence it struggles taking every imposed labels and the concept that it is a form though it is formless.

Hence the fear of losing the form.

You Never do Anything!

You Only Observe!

It is for the ‘I am ness’ Consciousness which happens for a shorter duration and creates entire manifestations…Now… caught by its own creations has to know that all these creations are not real.

You Never do Anything!

You Only Observe!

It is for the ‘I amness’ Consciousness to know that it is not a form, but it is prior to form.

Consciousness which is conditioned itself as a finite personality should uncondition itself from all imposed labels and know it is only the consciousness within the form.

You Never do Anything!

You Only Observe!

It is for the Consciousness to know its infinite, limitless potential and abide in stillness constantly and get to know its source.

You Never do Anything!

You Only Observe!

It is for the Consciousness to wake up from the dream called birth and death and know that it is beyond birth and death as it is never born and ever present!

You Never do Anything!

You Only Observe!

It is consciousness which wakes up from the dream and realizes its Ultimate reality!

You the Observer Never do anything!

You Only Observe!