You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is freedom?

July 14, 2023 | 287 views

Freedom from what?

Real freedom is to be with Yourself.

You are already free Inwardly!

No one can enter your inner kingdom to enslave you!

Your inner treasure contains all…!

Whatever you perceive depends on your inner being…!

Know your inner being first.

The entire space is within you!

Whatever that appears in space is by your Consciousness!

The whole Universe, Cosmos, World and all living creatures depend on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousnes..!

But for your Consciousness, Where is the World, Cosmos etc.,?

Why don’t you pay attention on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness and get to know Your Supreme Richness?

How long you are going to long for freedom unknowingly?

When are you going to know that you are already free?

You, the Observer beyond Consciousness are already free from Consciousness and its contents.

You never know this secret as you are continuously trapped by the conscious field within space taking all to be real after the arrival of Consciousness!

You, the Observer are already free…!

Whatever perceived within space is by Consciousness itself !

You are more than Consciousness!

How can you become a slave to Consciousness which happens for a shorter duration having its own play as manifestations?

Is it not due to sheer ignorance of  Yourself ?

First be Conscious of yourself…. then know that there is nothing here other than yourself.

You know you are free already by constantly observing the conscious field in stillness.

Talking about freedom shows you are still stuck at personality level which is not real.

There are never any persons.

All by Consciousness itself!

Now tell me… from whom you need freedom when all forms depend on your ‘I am ness’?

But for your Consciousness Where is anything in space?

Rather your Consciousness contains the entire space…
Understand my teachings deeply… all my words are only to Awaken your sleeping Consciousness…!

Do you understand?