You Are Already That

Beloved  GM, What is the difference between you and me?

July 16, 2022 | 470 views


The observer is non dual!

Only in duality all divisions like you, me, this and that appear!

This question is at the duality level.

Now I have to answer at the duality level only though I am beyond duality!

I know my formless nature beyond limitations!

You still limit yourself as a tiny form with fixed labels imposed unknowingly….

I know dream does not exist!

To you every dream exists as real.

To me there is neither birth nor death, I am beyond all !

To you birth and death appear to be more real!

I know all that happen within Conscious field is a dream only not real!

To you all that happen appear to be more real within space.

I am already the Observer prior to entire manifestation!

This I know but you are yet to know!

I am prior to dream!

You are yet to wake up from the dream called world, cosmos, all forms manifested.

To me nothing is happening in this conscious field as I know what this Consciousness is !

To you every happening is real as you are yet to know what this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is !

I help you to explore the truth in you just now, so that you can wake up from the dualities of the dream like you and me, this and that…..

To know the Supreme and declare that  ‘I, the observer alone prevail here forever!’

After realising the Ultimate, can there be any division?

Tell me!